We Are...

I have a first-class degree in Visual Communication with a specialism in photography. I am a martial artist, musician (drums & percussion) and fully qualified Teacher. I am passionate about education, personal development, and learning for all people; believing that through any form of artistic expression there is potential for self-healing, self-development, positive self-expression and wellbeing.

Originally training as a scientist, Ecologist, while training I discovered a passion for art, realising that Art & Science are two very distinct and different ways of thinking, feeling and being. I am a musician and play double bass, violin, nylon-string guitar and celtic harp. I enjoy writing & publishing and have been involved with many magazines, journals and blogs, also co-writing two books. I have trained as a film & tv producer.


We undertake a range of creative and practical projects.

We offer participative collaborative workshops with a range of communities, organisations, daycentres, youth groups, schools, residential etc..

We can work with voluntary sector or not-for profit groups to design and secure funding for medium to larger sized projects.

Current Projects

Performances & sessions for all ages and abilities. READ MORE

Affordable garden maintenance. READ MORE

Short local documentaries and music videos. YOU TUBE

Karen Schofield Photography & Fine Art. READ MORE

Residents Against Greenspace Extinction. Campaign group. WEBSITE

I write on the theme of "The Global Transition". The last great transition was the 18th century Industrial Revolution. Global Transition Website

Support service for people in recovery from alcohol/substance addiction; based on a psycho-social model of addiction. WEBSITE

Living Coach website

Self-published titles. Learn More.


We are both multi-instrumental and play, both together and separately, in a number of bands; currently The Clearlights, 4-piece band playing an acoustic fusion of jazz, folk, blues and classic songs. WEBSITE.

We are available as a rhythm section for ensemble playing; sessions, gigs and recordings.


We are beginning to self-publish a range of materials and have a number of titles in preparation. Our first publication, "Global Transition: Our Path Into The Future" is available as a FREE pdf download and as a paperback print copy, at www.globaltransition.co.uk.